CFA lv1


Economics : Currency Exchange Rates

1. Foreign Exchange Rates 2. Forward Exchange Rates 3. Managing Exchange Rates

Economics : International Trade and Capital Flows

1. International Trade Benefits 2. Trade Restrictions

Economics : Monetary and Fiscal Policy

1. Money and Inflation 2. Monetary Policy 3. Fiscal Policy

Economics : Understanding business Cycles

1. Business Cycle Phases 2. Inflation and Indicators

Economics : Aggregate Output, Prices and Economic Growth

1. GDP, Income and Expenditures 2. Aggregate Demand and Supply 3. Macroeconomic Equilibrium and Growth

Economics : The Firm and Market Structures

1. Perfect Competition 2. Monopolistic Competition 3. Oligopoly 4. Monopoly and Concentration

Economics : Topics in Demand and Supply Analysis

1. Elasticity 2. Demand and Supply
Quantitative Methods(クオンツ)

Quantitative Methods : Introduction to Liner Regression

1. Liner Regression Introduction 2. Goodness of Fit and Hypothesis Tests 3. Predicting Dependent Variables and Functiona...
Quantitative Methods(クオンツ)

Quantitative Methods : Hypothesis Testing

1. Hypothesis Tests and Types of Errors 2. P-Values and Tests of Means 3. Mean Difference and Difference in Means 4. Tes...
Quantitative Methods(クオンツ)

Quantitative Methods : Sampling and Estimation

1. Sampling Methods, Central Limit Theorem and Standard Error 2. Confidence Intervals, resampling and Sampling Biases